Sunday 20 February 2011

The Key to a successful online business

Nowadays to start an online business is more realistic. With many types of Content management systems (HScms ver2.05 ) and great value for money, you can create your online business at no time at all. Make sure you have clear to read web pages, navigation friendly menus, fast loading pages, search engine optimization plus providing your uses to with all the capabilities to earn their trust are the keys in establishing a successful online business. Obviously taking into account you have a great product or service. My next post will go in detail with each section. Stay tuned!

User-friendly URLs
The importance of user-friendly URLs, are firstly easier to be indexed in Search engines plus easier to be remembered by users of the site. For example or can easer be remebered than having a parameter URL.

Google's new anti-spam algorithm against content farms released
There are two slightly different definitions of content farms, one type is sites that don't have unique content and they only reuse the content from other websites. The other type is websites that produce poor quality content in order to get high rankings for as many keywords as possible. Therefore Google has released this update to counter act against websites that copy the content from other websites who often ranked higher than the original website owners. That's the reason Google released this new additional algorithm update.

This new Google algorithm update has been long awaited, we at HSComs have repeatedly been explaining to our clients the importance of quality unique content to attract and keep thier website users interest in their products or services as a first goal and now with Google's update we can confirm this to them.